Cognitive Map
People in wheelchairs emphasize physical barriers in their maps, obstacles that are missing from the maps of those able to move more freely.
The technique of cognitive mapping has its origins in George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory, which asserts that people are scientists, and that in an ...
cognitive_map Vanessa Fuentes
Cognitive mapping is a vital skill for many living organisms and it is the reason we do not get lost in places we have been in before.
Mapping Project: Cognitive Map
Figure 3: The aggregated social map with its 226 concepts.
People in wheelchairs emphasize physical barriers in their maps, obstacles that are missing from the maps of those able to move more freely.
The technique of cognitive mapping has its origins in George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory, which asserts that people are scientists, and that in an ...
cognitive_map Vanessa Fuentes
Cognitive mapping is a vital skill for many living organisms and it is the reason we do not get lost in places we have been in before.
Mapping Project: Cognitive Map
Figure 3: The aggregated social map with its 226 concepts.
Cognitive Map